Apex Bulk Carriers


New York-based shipowner Apex Bulk Carriers is selling 2010 built handysize bulk carrier 34K DWT MV Lisa J. MV Lisa J might be the third sistership Apex Bulk Carriers has been trying to sell this year. Previously, Apex Bulk Carriers sold MV Ethel L for about $9 million in July 2016. In June 2016, Apex Bulk Carriers sold the sistership MV Quinn J to Greek shipowner Empire Bulkers for $9.5 million. MV Quinn J has been renamed as Aphrodita M.


New York-based shipowner Apex Bulk Carriers sold 2010 built handysize bulk carrier 34K DWT MV Ethel L for $9.6 million. In June 2016, Apex Bulk Carriers sold the sistership 2011 built M/V Quinn J to Empire Bulkers $9.5 million.

CEO John Calicchio ordered eight (8) handysize new buildings during 2009-2012 between $33 million to $38 million apiece. Apex Bulk Carriers timing was wrong to build a fleet. In 1998, CEO John Calicchio bought shipless Apex Ship Management and then built up a fleet of eight handymax bulkers with secondhand purchases.