Anbros Maritime

A prominent Chinese maritime magnate has taken possession of Anbros Maritime SA’s most venerable bulk carriers. The Grecian shipowner divests a duo, redirecting its gaze towards rejuvenation of its flotilla. As Anbros Maritime SA pivots towards a contemporary fleet, its two most antiquated vessels have been transferred to Chinese affiliations. The esteemed George Angelakis, Principal of Anbros Maritime SA, verified the sale of the 2001-crafted handysize bulk carrier, MV Odigitria, boasting 46K DWT, a mere fortnight past. Maritime intermediaries suggest that the transaction for the Anbros-owned MV Odigitria secured an approximate sum of $5.8 million. Subsequently, MV Odigitria has adopted the moniker MV Xinanjiang. It is noteworthy that the aforementioned vessel recently experienced a minor altercation with a diminutive containership upon the Yangtze waters. This occurrence, however, seemingly bore no influence on the concluded deal. The Athenian maritime magnate, Anbros Maritime SA, characterized the encounter as trivial, further elaborating that the 2001-constructed MV Odigitria incurred merely superficial paint abrasions. Last autumn, Anbros Maritime SA had showcased the Mitsui-fashioned MV Odigitria for prospective purchasers. In a similar vein, Anbros Maritime SA, from its Athenian headquarters, conceded another vessel the previous month – the 2002-constructed supramax bulk carrier MV Aghia Skepi, boasting 52K DWT. This vessel was acquired by another discerning Chinese investor for an approximate $7.2 million. This vessel now sails under the designation MV Chang Min and proudly stands as the solitary vessel under Shanghai’s Fan Stone Marine banner. These transactions underscore the persistent allure of bulk carriers to Chinese magnates, given the nation’s burgeoning coastal commerce. This sphere has witnessed a significant resurgence, granting Greek maritime proprietors the leverage to divest their comparatively seasoned vessels. Post the transactions of MV Odigitria and MV Aghia Skepi, Anbros Maritime SA’s Athenian arm retains a duo of bulkers – a panamax and a handysize, conceived in 2005 and 2004 respectively. These remain unsold. Under the visionary leadership of George Angelakis, Anbros Maritime SA ardently embarks upon the rejuvenation of its fleet, heralding the acquisition of fresher vessels. 22-July-2019


In a regrettable occurrence near Zhenjiang this past Saturday, the Chinese river vessel MV Yu Hang 18, accompanied by 160 containers, and the 46,500 DWT handymax bulk carrier MV Odigitria found themselves ensnared in a maritime mishap. The unfortunate event unfurled as MV Yu Hang 18 voyaged from Nantong to Nanjing. Due to inclement weather conditions, MV Yu Hang 18 lost its bearing and collided with the Athens-based shipowner and operator Anbros Maritime SA controlled 46,500 DWT handymax bulk carrier MV Odigitria which was docked gracefully at a terminal belonging to a local power establishment. This accident led to seven vacuous containers from MV Yu Hang 18 finding their way into the watery depths below. Meanwhile, Greek shipowner and operator Anbros Maritime SA controlled 46,500 DWT handymax bulk carrier MV Odigitria bore damages to its portside. Thankfully, the incident did not result in any human casualties. Promptly addressing the situation, the regional maritime safety overseers have put forth traffic regulations in the surrounding aquatic channels, and have commissioned a team to recover the submerged containers. It’s noteworthy to mention that the MV Yu Hang 18 sails under the banner of Nanjing Yuhang Container Shipping, while the MV Odigitria boasts the patronage of the esteemed Greek shipowner Anbros Maritime SA. 7-July-2019


Over the past weekend, Athens-based shipowner and operator Anbros Maritime SA controlled 2005 built panamax bulk carrier 76K DWT MV Gorgoypikoos found itself marooned on Oregon’s shores. By Monday’s dawn, it was adeptly refloated, ensuring no harm to individuals or the environment, as confirmed by the US Coast Guard. The distinguished MV Gorgoypikoos, a bulk carrier of 76,500-dwt constructed in 2005, unfortunately met this fate upon the Miller Sands Bar near Tongue Point Sunday, a location just 13 miles to the east of the Columbia River’s entrance. Sources from the Coast Guard attributed this mishap to an unexpected glitch in steering control. Laden with grain, the MV Gorgoypikoos, as per the automatic identification system’s insights, has Japan as its final port of call. Presently, MV Gorgoypikoos stands anchored in Longview, Washington. In an immediate response to the situation, the Coast Guard mobilized three tugboats to aid the MV Gorgoypikoos. However, nature played its part, and the morning’s high tide gracefully freed the MV Gorgoypikoos from the sandbar’s grasp. The esteemed MV Gorgoypikoossails under the banner of the Greek firm Anbros Maritime SA. 2-June-2019


Athens-based shipowner and operator Anbros Maritime SA sold 2002 built supramax dry bulk carrier 52K DWT MV Aghia Skepi (ex MV Vega Eternity) for around $6 million to Chinese shipowner. MV Aghia Skepi (ex MV Vega Eternity) was one of Anbros Maritime’s four (4) bulk carriers. MV Aghia Skepi (ex MV Vega Eternity) was built at Sanoyas Shipbuilding. Anbros Maritime has not acquired any bulk carriers in the last five (5) years. In July 2012, Anbros Maritime acquired MV Aghia Skepi (ex MV Vega Eternity) from Marubeni Corp for around $16 million. Currently, Anbros Maritime SA has a fleet of four (4) bulk carriers. In February 2014, Anbros Maritime acquired 2005 Tsuneishi Shipbuilding built panamax bulk carrier 76K DWT MV Gorgoypikoos from Cido Shipping for around $23 million. Current market value of MV Gorgoypikoos is around $9 million. A few years ago Anbros Maritime sold most of its vintage bulk carriers. 8-May-2019


Athens-based shipowner and operator Anbros Maritime S.A., an illustrious third-generation family enterprise, specializes in the refined art of ship management and the global maritime conveyance of dry bulk elemental resources and commodities. This venerable undertaking is orchestrated through its diligently managed flotilla, predominantly encompassing handysize to panamax bulk carriers. Possessing a profound reservoir of wisdom in the dry bulk shipping realm, spanning an impressive eight decades, Anbros Maritime S.A. epitomizes excellence in delivering steadfast, adept, and unparalleled services to its esteemed clientele and trade partners. As a testament to its prowess, Anbros Maritime S.A. crafts are perpetually coveted and commissioned by premier Charterers. Unwavering in Anbros Maritime S.A.’s commitment to uphold a secure, ecologically-conscious, and competitive armada, Anbros Maritime S.A. places immense value on the caliber of its personnel. Whether navigating the seas or stationed on land, they consistently rise to challenges, showcasing remarkable technical acumen and an unwavering allegiance. Attuned to the dynamic nuances of global maritime advancements amidst an ever-evolving and intricate global shipping milieu, Anbros Maritime S.A. ensures its flotilla adheres rigorously to contemporary international standards and edicts. The assiduous surveillance of the state and efficacy of Anbros Maritime S.A. bulk carriers, accentuated by routine on-board supervisions and vetting assessments, guarantees a service par excellence and optimal vessel deployment. 30-June-2018


For ages, winds have propelled ships across the vast oceans. Yet, as we traverse the 21st century, these ancient breezes seem poised to reclaim their esteemed position as a primary force behind maritime freight transportation, catering to the budget-conscious proprietors and the ecologically expectant clientele. Present indications infer a shift in the atmospheric pendulum, favoring this once omnipresent mode of maritime transit. Diane Gilpin, the visionary behind the Smart Green Shipping Alliance, perceives an immense scope for amplification and enhanced fiscal outcomes via harnessing wind energy for ships. In her estimation, the global fleet boasts approximately 15,000 vessels amenable to wind-driven motion. Echoing her sentiments, Gavin Allwright, the luminary at the helm of the International Windship Association (IWSA), pronounces, “The international fleet is tasked with slashing its emissions by a staggering 50% come 2050. Wind energy is exceptionally tailored for specific categories, notably dry bulk and tankers, when operating within conducive locales. This substantial segment can embark on swift decarbonization via wind power interventions, granting respite to more formidable vessel varieties as we navigate towards the requisite 50% emission decrement.” Both Gilpin and Allwright opine that the grand impediment to embracing this propulsion mode is the void of a decisive objective or a pioneering industry frontrunner prepared for a significant inaugural dive. “In this current epoch, the maritime world grapples with an ambiguity in emissions diminution goals. Trailblazers risk the peril of market ostracization for endorsing nascent technologies. An unambiguous objective sets the stage for innovation,” Allwright emphasizes. At this juncture, wind propulsion innovations are transitioning from blueprint to tangible implementation. Numerous such systems eagerly await maritime validation, with appropriate vessels in search. Henning Kühl, a strategist from the German enterprise Skysails, identifies fiscal challenges as part of the developmental maze. He speaks of the dichotomy between economies of scale in producing wind propulsion equipment and the oscillating fuel price spectrum. Further complicating matters is the market’s intricate structure. Skysails has pioneered wind propulsion mechanisms for maritime giants. To date, their installations grace a singular BBC Chartering vessel for R&D intents, with additional placements on vessels owned by Wessels and Anbros Maritime on the horizon. “The quandary,” Kühl elucidates, “lies in the investment-return paradox. Ship proprietors, despite funding advancements, seldom benefit from fuel economies, while lessees seldom lease long enough to achieve a return on investment.” Tuomas Riski, the chief executive of Norsepower, articulates that embracing wind as an auxiliary energy source, reducing fuel dependence, is an evolutionary stride for the maritime sector, aligning cost-effectiveness with environmental mandates. As the vanguard of renewable maritime solutions, Norsepower championed their Rotor Sail Solution aboard Bore’s vessel, Estraden, in 2015. Riski advocates for an augmented installation of such technologies across diverse vessels to fuel market expansion. Greg Atkinson of Eco Marine Power perceives immense potential for wind as an ancillary energy source aboard vessels, yet the commercial scalability remains elusive. He envisages wind energy finding its niche alongside other technological marvels, emphasizing the need for transparent communication regarding potential fuel savings. Volker Bertram of DNV GL perceives a surge in enthusiasm towards wind aid, yet fluctuating oil prices have deterred many. He suggests that optimal wind-assisted vessels would be those operating in wind-rich zones, conforming to global and class regulations. Concluding, Bertram prognosticates, “Even though fuel prices remain subdued, future forecasts hint at an escalation, especially with stricter fuel standards. This could potentially bolster the case for wind-assisted maritime endeavors.” 22-February-2017