Bagged Cocoa

Bagged Cocoa

Cocoa: The kernels of the tropical cacao plant, when ground to a powder form the basis of cocoa and of chocolate, a base commodity of the confectionery industry. Traditionally cocoa has been shipped in bags and remains so in the main from certain producers – eg: Brazil- but bagged cocoa is increasingly being containerized. Cocoa is grown and exported from South East Asia, from South America, the West Indies, and from West Africa, being apt to heat and to sweat, and particularly prone to mildew if wet. Consequently great care must be taken in its handling. For example lining the inside of ventilated containers with wooden planking and stripping the boxes as soon as possible to guard against the effects of sweat damage, particularly when unloaded in places with an ambient temperature considerably below that prevailing when the container was filled. An alternative to movements of bagged cocoa in ventilated containers presently being explored, is that of carrying bagged and palletised cocoa on flats which are then wheeled into place on vehicle decks of RO/RO ships. The advantages of this system are that unit loads can be increased from the 15 tonnes capacity of a container to 18 tonnes per 20-foot flat; easier access and handling of pre-slung units; and stowage in spaces open to forced, controlled ventilation of about 20/30 airchanges per hour.

Cashewnuts: The fruit of a tropical tree valued for its oil content, usually carried in small, bagged quantities. When shelled, the nuts are liable to become vermin infested, whilst the oil itself is corrosive to flesh and clothing.

Cassava: The starch obtained from the root of the manioc plant – see Tapioca.

Citrus Pulp Pellets: Shipped in bulk from the South Eastern United States mainly to the Europe, for use as an animal feed constituent. Handled as for grain although ventilation unrequired.


  • Cocoa Bagged Stowage Factor 80
  • Cashew Nuts Bagged Stowage Factor 75
  • Citrus Pulp Pellets Bulk Stowage Factor 55/58