Charterparty Main Parts:
- Preamble
- Main Terms
- Rider Clauses
1- Preamble
Preamble: This is just a general outline to the charterparty and includes:
- Place where the contract is made. Place of a charterparty is important because, in the absence of a clause to the contrary, any disputes arising under the charter will be settled according to the law of the country where the contract is made. This is not usually the business abode of the principals concerned but very often the country where the principal broker carries out his business.
- Date of Charterparty: This is the date when the negotiations are concluded in other words all subjects are lifted.
- Names and Address of the contracting parties.
- Ship Name: the ship’s name is always on the charterparty and no substitutions are allowed unless agreed.
2- Main Terms (Printed Clauses)
Main Terms (Printed Clauses): differ between varying types of charterparty, depending on the trades for which they are used. Much of the negotiation between Shipowners and Charterers is concentrated on which words to delete from the Printed Clauses, to be replaced by Rider Clauses
3- Rider Clauses (Additional Clauses)
Rider Clauses: which have been specifically agreed. If there is any conflict with the printed words in the Main Terms, the Rider Clauses will always prevail. These Rider Clauses can be very many or just a few, depending on the nature of the trade and on the type of charter, the relationship between the parties and the necessity to alter the Printed Clauses