Liner Terms

Liner Terms

Liner Terms gives essentially the least responsibility for the Charterer because Carrier (Shipowner or Ship Operator) is responsible for the cargo from delivery alongside, stevedoring at load and discharge to the berth or possibly to the warehouse.

Time involved in port is at Carrier’s (Shipowner’s or Ship Operator’s) risk.

For example, in the Gencon charterparty, parties may agree either Gross Terms or FIOST. In the former the owner receives and delivers the goods alongside and is thus responsible for lifting them onboard and onshore as well as stowing and securing the cargo. Whereas under the latter the operation of loading, stowing and discharging the cargo is undertaken by the charterer.

The term alongside can be summarized, at the load port, as bringing the goods, perhaps in lighters under the cargo gear, possibly ship’s gear, then putting it in slings or on pallets to be lifted on board.

Whereas at discharge the owner will lift the cargo out of the hold and place it on the quay or in lighters to allow the charterer to remove it from the tackle.