Main Features of Voyage Charterparty

Main Features of Voyage Charterparty

Shipowner undertakes certain obligations:

The shipowner must undertake certain obligations before and during the performance of the voyage charter:

1. Provide an accurate description of the ship.
2. Provide a ship that is seaworthy and cargo worthy.
3. Perform and incur the costs of a ballast voyage.
4. Make the ship available at the port of loading (arrived ship).
5. Perform the carrying voyage with reasonable dispatch.
6. Not to deviate unless for the purpose of saving life or property at sea.
7. Arrive at the port of discharge (arrived ship) and have the ship ready for discharging operations.
8. Deliver the cargo.

Charterer undertakes certain obligations:

1. Provide an accurate description of the cargo.
2. Nominate safe ports/berths so that the vessel can proceed for loading and discharging operations.
3. Provide the amount of the said cargo as agreed in the time period stipulated and of the quality stated.
4. Bring the cargo alongside.
5. Perform loading and discharging operations within the stipulated laytime.
6. Pay the freight and other mainly cargo-related costs.

Breach of any of these obligations does not give the shipowner the right to rescind the charter but does allow him or her to sue for damages, unless such breach is of a frustrating character.

During the loading and discharging window, it is the responsibility of the shipowner to make the ship available at the agreed port. If the ship does not arrive within the stipulated time frame, then the charterer has an absolute right to cancel the charter party. The charterer does not have the right to cancel until the canceling day has been reached. The ship must load/discharge in accordance with the terms agreed.

The responsibility of the charterer to furnish the agreed cargo is absolute. The charterer may be excused of his or her responsibility to provide a cargo in the presence of intervening events that would make the agreement illegal or due to an act of God, prior to the ship being placed on demurrage. The charterer must provide all the means that were agreed upon for the safe loading and discharge of the ship.


Responsibilities in Voyage Charter and Time Charter

Crew Hire and Payment Owner Owner
Bunkers (Fuel) Owner Charterer
Cargo Operations Port DAs Owner Charterer
Ship Maintenance Costs Owner Owner


What are the costs paid by the Shipowner and Charterer in a Voyage Charter?

In a voyage charter, the shipowner and charterer each have specific costs and responsibilities they are expected to bear. Here’s a breakdown:

Costs Paid by the Shipowner:

  1. Vessel Operating Costs: This includes costs related to running the ship itself, such as crew wages, maintenance, insurance for the vessel, and other related expenses.
  2. Bunker Fuel: The shipowner is typically responsible for supplying the vessel’s fuel, unless the charter party agreement stipulates otherwise.
  3. Port Charges: This includes charges incurred in the ship’s home port or any other port where the ship stops for reasons other than loading or unloading cargo (e.g., for bunkering or maintenance).
  4. Agency Fees: Fees payable to agents who act on behalf of the shipowner.
  5. Cargo Handling Costs: In some voyage charter agreements, the shipowner might bear the costs of loading or unloading cargo. However, this can vary based on the specific terms of the charter party agreement.

Costs Paid by the Charterer:

  1. Freight: This is the primary cost for the charterer, which is essentially the payment to the shipowner for transporting the cargo from the load port to the discharge port.
  2. Loading and Unloading Costs: Unless otherwise stipulated in the charter party agreement, the charterer typically pays for costs related to loading and unloading the cargo at the respective ports.
  3. Port Charges: Costs related to using port facilities at the loading and discharge ports are often borne by the charterer.
  4. Agency Fees: The charterer pays fees to agents acting on their behalf in the load and discharge ports.
  5. Demurrage or Despatch: If the loading or unloading takes longer than the agreed laytime, the charterer pays demurrage, which is a penalty for delays. Conversely, if the process is faster than the stipulated laytime, the shipowner may owe the charterer despatch, a reward for quick turnaround.
  6. Bunker Fuel (in some cases): If the charter party agreement specifies, the charterer may be responsible for supplying or paying for a portion of the vessel’s fuel.
  7. Cargo Insurance: The charterer is usually responsible for insuring the cargo against potential damage or loss during the voyage.
  8. Any Additional Costs Due to Charterer’s Instructions: If the charterer gives special instructions that result in additional expenses, like a change in the destination port or a delay, the charterer would usually bear these costs.

It’s essential to note that the specific division of costs can vary depending on the terms negotiated in the charter party agreement. Always refer to the charter party contract to determine the exact responsibilities of each party.

In a voyage charter, Shipowners retains the operational control of the vessel and pays all the operating costs (crew, bunker, freshwater, lubricants, port charges, ship insurances, taxes, canal costs etc.). If the Voyage Charterparty is based on FIOS (Free In Out Stowage) basis, Charterers pay cargo handling (loading and unloading expenses). Usually, in a voyage charter, Charterers’ pays the costs and charges relating to the cargo.


What are the Main Features of Voyage Charterparty?

A voyage charterparty is a contract between a shipowner and a charterer for the use of a vessel to carry cargo on a specific voyage or voyages in exchange for freight. The main features of a voyage charterparty include:

  1. Parties Involved: The agreement will clearly specify the shipowner and the charterer.
  2. Description of Vessel: Details of the vessel such as its name, flag, deadweight, tonnage, and other relevant particulars.
  3. Cargo: A clear description of the cargo, including type, quantity, quality, and the stowage factor.
  4. Loading and Discharging Ports: The agreement should state the ports of loading and discharge. It may also specify any additional ports the vessel may be ordered to during the voyage.
  5. Laytime: This represents the time allowed to the charterer to load and/or discharge the cargo. It can be expressed in running days or weather working days (WWD). If the charterer exceeds this time, they are liable to pay demurrage.
  6. Freight: The amount to be paid for the carriage of the cargo. This can be based on a rate per ton, per cargo, or for the entire voyage.
  7. Demurrage and Despatch: Demurrage is a compensation payable by the charterer if they exceed the laytime for loading or discharging. Despatch, on the other hand, is a reward payable by the shipowner to the charterer if the operations are completed within a shorter time than the laytime.
  8. Notice of Readiness (NOR): The captain or ship’s agent gives this notice to the charterer when the ship is ready to load or discharge. The laytime generally starts after this notice has been accepted.
  9. Safe Port Warranty: This ensures that the ship will be directed only to safe ports where it can safely lie always afloat.
  10. Freight Payment Terms: Conditions under which the freight is to be paid, which can be in advance, upon loading, or after discharge.
  11. Cargo Handling: Specifies who (between the shipowner and charterer) will be responsible for and bear the costs of loading and discharging the cargo.
  12. Exceptions and Limitations: Any exceptions or limitations of the shipowner’s liability will be stated, such as those arising from perils of the sea, acts of God, wars, strikes, etc.
  13. Bunkers and Provisions: Details on how bunkers (fuel) and provisions will be provided and who will bear the cost.
  14. Agency Appointments: Details on who will appoint and pay for the agents at the loading and discharging ports.
  15. War Risks and Ice Clauses: Provisions regarding what happens if there’s a war or if the vessel encounters ice.
  16. General Average: Provisions that deal with situations where a voluntary sacrifice is made (like jettisoning cargo) to save the vessel. It dictates how such costs or losses will be apportioned between the shipowner and charterer.
  17. Arbitration and Law Clause: In case of any dispute, this clause outlines the process of arbitration and the governing law to resolve the matter.
  1. Cesser and Lien Clause: This clause can be important in a voyage charterparty. The cesser clause signifies that once freight is paid, the charterer’s liability ceases, and thereafter, any claims related to the cargo are against the shipper or consignee. The lien clause gives the shipowner a lien on the cargo for claims like unpaid freight.
  2. Both to Blame Collision Clause: If a collision occurs involving the chartered vessel and another, and both are to blame, this clause helps in apportioning the damages between the charterer and shipowner.
  3. Deviation Clause: This addresses any deviation the vessel might take from its specified voyage route. A deviation might be necessary for the safety of the vessel or its cargo. The clause will outline under what circumstances a deviation is allowed and how it impacts freight rates and delivery timelines.
  4. Bills of Lading: The relationship between the charterparty and the bill of lading is crucial. This provision explains how bills of lading will be issued, their terms, and how they relate to the charterparty terms.
  5. Liberty Clauses: These grant the shipowner certain liberties, such as the ability to call at any port for bunkers, to sail without pilots, or to tow or be towed.
  6. U.S. Clause Paramount: In charterparties involving U.S. ports, this clause ensures that the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act (COGSA) will apply while the cargo is in the custody of the shipowner, overriding any other contract terms.
  7. Himalaya Clause: A standard clause in shipping, it seeks to extend the defenses and limits of liability that are available to the carrier (shipowner) under the charterparty or bill of lading to other agents, servants, or independent contractors involved in the shipment.
  8. Clean Ballast Clause: For vessels returning in ballast (without cargo), this clause states that only clean ballast, not oil, will be used, which has environmental implications.
  9. Last Voyage Clause: This pertains to situations where the chartered vessel is on its last voyage before being sold, scrapped, or redelivered. The clause may set forth conditions to protect the charterer’s interests, such as ensuring the voyage is completed in a timely manner.
  10. Performance Claims: Procedures and timelines for raising claims related to the performance of the voyage, such as the speed and consumption of the vessel, are often outlined to ensure that disputes are raised and addressed promptly.
  11. Redelivery Clause: This defines the conditions under which the ship is to be returned to the shipowner at the end of the charter. It might specify the location, condition of the vessel, and provisions/bunker levels.
  12. Breach and Termination: Provisions detailing what constitutes a breach of the charterparty by either party and the consequences of such a breach, including potential termination and damages.

Voyage charterparties are intricate and tailored to the needs of the specific parties and voyage involved. When entering into such an agreement, both parties typically consult with legal and maritime experts to ensure their interests are properly protected and the terms are clear and enforceable. Voyage charterparties can be complex, and the above are just some of the primary features. Each charterparty can have unique clauses based on the specific agreement between the shipowner and the charterer.


Voyage Charter Parties typically encompass the following principal stipulations:

  1. The nature of the consignment to be transported is predetermined.
  2. The ports of call have been established beforehand.
  3. The onus of providing directives to the captain falls upon the Shipowner, rather than the Charterer.
  4. Should liner terms, such as an all-encompassing freight rate, be settled upon, the shipowner assumes the mantle of responsibility for the embarkation, arrangement, and unloading of the cargo.
  5. Conversely, under FIOS (Free In Out Stowage) terms, the charterer is entrusted with the duties of loading, arranging, and offloading the consignment.

For dry cargo, the quintessential Voyage Charter Party is the Gencon Charter Party. In contrast, within the realm of tanker commerce, Charter Parties predominantly derive from the Asbatankvoy Charter Party.

In voyage chartering, the shipowner assumes the financial burden of fuel, operational, and employment-associated expenses. It falls upon their shoulders to enlist the officers and auxiliary crew for the journey, whether from their cadre of loyal staff or through intermediaries to procure skilled mariners and seafarers.

The Voyage Charter Party delineates an agreement for the transport of a complete consignment, not defined by a duration but rather at a predetermined rate per ton, exclusively for a singular voyage, between specified ports that are to be determined upon reaching a designated region.

Consignors dealing with substantial volumes of bulk commodities such as phosphate, coal, and grain often engage in charter agreements bearing distinct titles, for instance, “Fosfo”, “Americanized Welch Coal Charter Party”, or the “Baltimore Grain Charter Party”. Within the confines of a voyage charter party, the charterer is absolved from any obligation pertaining to the vessel’s operations, yet customarily bears the cost of stevedoring both during embarkation and disembarkation.

What Elements Govern the Selection Between Voyage and Time Charter?

The subject has been rigorously deliberated upon and stands as a quintessential strategic choice for both Shipowners and Charterers. Principal elements influencing such judicious determinations encompass market capriciousness, the presence of cargo, vessel reorientation, and fiscal considerations.

Such considerations mould anticipations from both factions, mirroring within market oscillations and, fundamentally, upon the freight tariffs. A scantiness of vessels invariably augments freight charges, whereas diminished cargo demand diminishes them. This dynamic is colloquially referred to as the spot market.

The parties’ discernment of market trajectories becomes instrumental when discerning between a voyage or a Time Charter (TC). In this vein, with aspirations to circumvent pronounced volatility or regulate expenditures, they might contemplate anchoring the vessel on a Time Charter (TC).

Frequently, an extended  Time Charter (TC) becomes an integral component of a fiscal arrangement accompanying the vessel’s acquisition. That is to articulate, the fiscal and operational stewardship of the fleet significantly influences such determinations.

Charterers, desiring to commandeer a vessel or an armada for tailoring their cargo transportation requisites, and wishing to eschew the acquisition and operational expenses of the vessel, will advocate for the Time Charter (TC)alternative. Consequently, the Time Charter (TC) paradigm emerges as a lucrative venture, devoid of any asset encumbrance for the Charterers.


What is a Voyage Charterparty?

A “Voyage Charterparty” is a type of maritime contract between the shipowner and the charterer. In this agreement, the shipowner agrees to transport a specified quantity of goods from one port to another for a fixed price per ton or on a lump-sum basis. The shipowner retains control over the vessel’s navigation and operations, while the charterer simply uses the vessel to transport their cargo.

Here are some key characteristics of a Voyage Charterparty:

  1. Nature of Contract: The agreement is based solely on the voyage, and the shipowner is paid freight based on the quantity of cargo loaded or as per the agreed terms.
  2. Cargo: The charterer agrees to provide a specific quantity of cargo, and the shipowner commits to transport this cargo to the designated destination.
  3. Freight: The payment made by the charterer to the shipowner is called ‘freight’. This can be based on the weight or volume of the cargo or sometimes as a lump sum for the entire voyage.
  4. Laytime: This term refers to the amount of time agreed upon between the parties for loading and unloading the cargo at the respective ports. If the charterer exceeds this time, they may have to pay “demurrage” (a penalty) to the shipowner. Conversely, if loading or unloading is completed before the laytime expires, the shipowner might have to pay “despatch” (a reward) to the charterer.
  5. Voyage Details: The agreement will outline specific details regarding the voyage, including the ports of loading and discharge, route to be taken (if specified), and any other necessary provisions.
  6. Risks and Costs: In a voyage charter, the shipowner typically bears the running costs of the vessel (like wages, fuel, etc.), while the charterer is usually responsible for port charges and other expenses related to loading and unloading.

Voyage Charterparties are commonly used for the transportation of bulk cargoes like grains, coal, oil, and minerals. However, it’s essential for both parties to outline the terms clearly to avoid disputes and misunderstandings.


What is a Voyage Charter in Ship Chartering?

Voyage Charter Definition: The voyage charter epitomizes an accord, termed a voyage charter party, drawn between the vessel proprietor and the charterer. In this pact, the shipowner pledges to convey a stipulated volume of cargo aboard a designated vessel, embarking on a singular odyssey from a specified port, let’s refer to it as Port A, culminating at another, Port B, all within a predetermined time frame.

A Voyage Charter in ship chartering is one of the primary methods of hiring a ship. Here’s a detailed explanation:

Voyage Charter:

In a voyage charter, the shipowner agrees to transport a specified quantity of cargo from one port to another (or between a range of ports). The charterer pays the shipowner on a per-ton basis or as a lump sum for the entire voyage. The shipowner covers all the operational expenses of the voyage, such as fuel, port charges, and crew wages.

Key features of a voyage charter:

  1. Charter Party Agreement: A voyage charter is typically formalized through a charter party agreement, which is a legal document detailing the rights and obligations of both the shipowner and charterer. This document will specify cargo details, freight rate, laytime (the allowed time for loading and unloading), and any demurrage or despatch terms (penalties for delays or incentives for early operations, respectively).
  2. Freight Rate: The charterer pays the shipowner based on the amount of cargo transported (e.g., per ton) or sometimes as a lump sum for the entire voyage. This freight rate is agreed upon beforehand and is a significant term in the charter party.
  3. Obligations of the Shipowner: The shipowner’s primary responsibility is to provide a seaworthy ship, cover all voyage expenses, and ensure the cargo is transported from the loading to the discharge port. If the vessel fails to meet certain agreed-upon criteria or schedules, the owner may be liable for damages.
  4. Obligations of the Charterer: The charterer is responsible for providing the agreed cargo in a ready state for loading and unloading within the specified laytime. If the charterer exceeds the laytime, they might have to pay demurrage, a penalty for delaying the ship.
  5. Duration: The duration of a voyage charter is typically for a single voyage, though sometimes it can be for a round trip or a series of voyages. Once the cargo is delivered, and all obligations are met, the charter typically concludes.

Voyage charters are commonly used in bulk cargo transportation, like coal, grain, and ore, where specific quantities need to be moved from one place to another. They are distinct from time charters, where the ship is hired for a specific period, and the shipowner gets paid based on the time, rather than the quantity of cargo moved.


Who is a Voyage Charterer?

A Voyage Charterer is a person or company that charters a ship (or a portion of it) for a specific voyage or journey, as opposed to a specific period. In a voyage charter, the shipowner remains responsible for managing and operating the ship, including covering operating costs such as fuel, crew, maintenance, and port charges. The charterer simply pays a freight rate, usually per ton of cargo, for the specified journey.

Here’s a breakdown of the relationship:

  1. Shipowner: Owns the vessel and is responsible for all operational matters such as fuel, crewing, and maintenance. They are paid a freight charge by the charterer for the transportation of the goods.
  2. Voyage Charterer: Contracts with the shipowner to transport a specific cargo from one port to another (or possibly multiple ports). They do not take on the responsibilities of managing or operating the ship; they merely pay for the space or weight of the cargo they are transporting on that specific voyage.

The specifics of the arrangement, such as freight rates, laytime (the time allowed for loading and unloading cargo), demurrage (penalties for delays beyond the laytime), and other details, are typically outlined in a voyage charter party, which is a legal agreement between the shipowner and the charterer.

This type of arrangement is commonly used for cargoes that are not regularly shipped, or for shipments where time charter (renting a vessel for a set period) or bareboat charter (renting a vessel without crew or provisions) is not suitable or economical.


What is the Freight in Voyage Charter Party? 

In the context of maritime shipping, the “Voyage Charter Party” refers to a contract in which the shipowner agrees to carry a specific cargo from one point to another for a predetermined price or rate. In such an agreement, the payment made by the charterer to the shipowner for the transportation of cargo is known as “freight.”

Here’s a breakdown of key points about freight in a voyage charter party:

  1. Definition: Freight is the compensation payable by the charterer to the shipowner for the transportation of goods from the loading port to the discharge port.
  2. Basis of Freight: In a voyage charter, freight can be calculated on various bases such as per ton, per cubic meter, per cargo piece, or on a lump-sum basis for the entire voyage.
  3. Payment: The terms of freight payment are agreed upon in the charter party. It might be payable in advance, upon loading, upon discharge, or after the cargo reaches its destination.
  4. Deadfreight: If the charterer fails to supply the agreed-upon quantity of cargo, the charterer might still be liable to pay for the unused space, depending on the terms of the agreement. This compensation is known as “deadfreight.”
  5. Laytime and Demurrage: The charter party will specify a given time (laytime) for loading and unloading cargo. If the charterer exceeds this time, they may be liable to pay a penalty called “demurrage” to the shipowner. Demurrage rates and conditions will be specified in the agreement.
  6. Freight Deductions: Sometimes, there may be deductions from the freight for various reasons, such as short landing of cargo, damage, or other agreed terms.
  7. Freight Agent: In some cases, the shipowner might employ an agent at the port of discharge to collect the freight. This agent ensures that the freight is paid before the cargo is released to the charterer or receiver.
  8. Lien on Cargo: If the charterer defaults on the payment of freight, the shipowner generally has a lien on the cargo, meaning they can retain the cargo until the freight is paid.

A voyage charter party can be quite intricate, with various clauses and conditions tailored to specific transactions. The terms regarding freight are crucial, as they outline the fundamental commercial basis of the agreement. If you’re entering into such a charter or need a deeper understanding of specific clauses, consulting with a maritime lawyer or specialist would be advisable.

The individual who commissions the ship is referred to as the Voyage Charterer, the remuneration is termed Freight, and the agreement is known as the Voyage Charter Party. The Freight Rate is quantified in terms of dollars per tonne of consignment or lump-sum basis.


What is the most important part of Voyage Charter Party?

The Voyage Charter Party is an agreement between the shipowner and the charterer, detailing the terms and conditions under which the vessel will transport goods from one place to another. While all aspects of this agreement are important, there are a few key sections that stand out in terms of their significance:

  1. Description of the Vessel: This section provides details about the ship, including its name, tonnage, and carrying capacity. It’s essential because it assures the charterer of the kind and capacity of the vessel that will be used for transportation.
  2. Freight Rate: This determines how much the charterer will pay the shipowner for the service. It can be based on a variety of metrics, such as per ton of cargo or for the entire voyage. This is often a focal point in negotiations.
  3. Loading and Discharging Ports: This section specifies where the cargo will be loaded and where it will be discharged. It sets out the obligations regarding the ports, any additional costs associated with them, and any special conditions or facilities that must be available.
  4. Laytime and Demurrage: Laytime is the amount of time agreed upon for loading and unloading the cargo without incurring any extra charges. If the charterer exceeds this time, they will usually have to pay demurrage, a penalty for the delay. This is critical because delays can be costly for both parties, especially the shipowner.
  5. Cargo Description: This section describes the type, quantity, and condition of the goods to be transported. This is fundamental as it dictates the ship’s handling requirements and can influence freight rates.
  6. Liabilities and Indemnities: This portion of the agreement sets out the responsibilities of each party in case of damages or losses. It’s a crucial part because it outlines the extent of liability for each party and can save both sides from potential legal disputes.
  7. Clauses related to Force Majeure, War, and other exceptional circumstances: These clauses provide provisions on what happens in case of unforeseen circumstances that are beyond the control of either party. This might include natural disasters, wars, or other disruptions.
  8. Arbitration and Governing Law: In case of a dispute, it’s essential to have a predetermined method and location for resolving disagreements. This section specifies which laws will govern the agreement and how conflicts will be handled.

In conclusion, while every part of the Voyage Charter Party plays a role in ensuring a smooth transaction between the shipowner and the charterer, the above-mentioned sections are among the most critical. It’s always advisable for both parties to seek legal counsel when drafting or entering into such agreements to ensure their interests are well protected.


The paramount elements encompass the detailed delineation of the voyage, the vessel’s dimensions and carrying capability, the nature of the cargo, the distribution of responsibilities and expenses related to loading and unloading, the delineation of freight charges, and the modalities of freight payment. Additionally, there are rules governing laytime, stipulations concerning the responsibility for cargo, and the distribution of other associated costs and uncertainties.

Under varying conditions, certain clauses and inquiries can gain precedence during dialogues between vessel proprietors and charterers. For such charters, the vessel is mandated to be situated as delineated by the owner upon the charter’s inception. Subsequently, the vessel should promptly proceed to the designated loading harbor.

Upon arrival at the loading port, the charterer is obliged to supply the pre-agreed cargo. It’s imperative that the cargo isn’t hazardous, barring any pre-established consensus. The cargo should be positioned adjacent to the vessel at the port of embarkation and retrieved directly from the vessel upon reaching the destination port.

Especially concerning bulk shipments, charterers frequently bear the costs of both loading and unloading. Terms like FIO or FOB are frequently encountered. Not uncommonly, negotiations culminate in FIOS (Free In Out Stowage) or FIOST (Free In Out Stowage Trimming) agreements.

Within voyage charters, pinpointing the discharge port within the charter party isn’t obligatory. In such scenarios, charterers retain the prerogative to later guide the vessel to a specific port of debarkation within a designated radius.

For voyage charters wherein the charterer orchestrates the loading and/or unloading, a consensus often emerges granting the charterer a specific tenure for these operations, known as laytime.

Should the charterer falter in loading and/or unloading within the designated laytime, they incur the obligation of remunerating for the additional time expended, termed as Demurrage. The axiom stands: once ensnared in demurrage, perpetually so.

Conversely, should the charterer expedite the loading and/or unloading surpassing the stipulated laytime, they may be eligible for recompense (contingent upon prior agreement), known as Despatch Money.

In the realm of voyage charters, barring instances where a lumpsum freight is compensated, vessel proprietors reserve the right to solicit freight compensation should the cargo fall short or if it’s arranged in a manner precluding optimal utilization of the ship’s space due to irregular stowage, termed as Deadfreight.


What are the Standard Voyage Charter Party Forms?

In maritime commerce, a charter party is a legal agreement between the shipowner and the charterer specifying the terms and conditions under which a vessel is chartered. Standard Voyage Charter Party Forms are standardized contracts widely recognized and used in the industry, each designed to cater to specific trading routes or particular cargo types.

Here are some of the widely recognized standard voyage charter party forms:

  1. GENCON – This is one of the most commonly used general cargo charter party forms.
  2. ASBATANKVOY – A standard oil tanker voyage charter party, introduced by ASBA (American Shipbrokers’ Association).
  3. SHELLVOY – Introduced by Shell, this is another widely used tanker voyage charter party.
  4. COAL-OREVOY – Specifically designed for shipments of coal and ore.
  5. GRAINVOY – A standard charter party for the shipment of grains.
  6. AMWELSH – The Americanized Welsh Coal Charter, used for coal cargoes from the U.S.
  7. POLCOALVOY – Used for coal cargoes from Poland.
  8. NORGRAIN – For grain shipments from North America.

It’s important to note that these standard forms often serve as a base, and the parties involved can negotiate terms and introduce addenda or riders to the form to tailor it to their specific needs.

Lastly, as the shipping industry evolves and as new types of cargo and routes emerge, new charter party forms can be developed and existing forms might be revised. Always consult current maritime legal resources or industry experts when working with these contracts.

Where can I find a Voyage Charter Party Form?

We kindly suggest that you visit the web page of BIMCO (Baltic and International Maritime Council) and ASBA (Association of Ship Brokers and Agents) to obtain the original Charter Party forms and documents.  and


What are the factors which influence the Freight Rate in Voyage Charter Market?

Freight rates in the voyage charter market can be influenced by a multitude of factors. A voyage charter refers to the hiring of a vessel and its crew for a specific trip between designated ports. Here are some of the main factors that influence freight rates in this market:

  1. Supply and Demand: This is a fundamental factor. When there is a higher demand for ships but a limited supply, the rates go up. Conversely, when there are more ships available than required, the rates tend to decline.
  2. Fuel Costs (Bunker Prices): The price of fuel can greatly influence freight rates. As fuel costs increase, it becomes more expensive to operate ships, leading charterers to seek higher rates to cover their operational costs.
  3. Port Charges: Fees and costs associated with using ports can vary, and higher port charges can be passed on as higher freight rates.
  4. Route and Distance: Longer routes usually mean higher freight rates due to the increased time and fuel required.
  5. Type and Size of the Vessel: Different vessels have different operating costs, capacities, and functionalities. Larger vessels typically command higher rates, but their profitability can also depend on their ability to be fully loaded.
  6. Cargo Type: Specialized or hazardous cargo can demand higher freight rates due to the special handling, equipment, or certifications they require.
  7. Seasonality: Certain cargoes are seasonal. For example, grain harvest seasons can lead to higher demand for bulk carriers, pushing rates up.
  8. Geopolitical Events: Wars, sanctions, and other geopolitical events can disrupt shipping routes or create sudden surges in demand, influencing freight rates.
  9. Economic Conditions: Global economic health can influence trade volumes. During economic booms, there might be increased trade and thus higher demand for ships, while recessions might depress freight rates.
  10. Canal and Strait Congestion: Delays in major canals or straits, like the Suez or Panama Canals, can lead to increased costs and potentially higher freight rates.
  11. Weather and Environmental Factors: Adverse weather conditions, such as hurricanes or ice, can disrupt shipping routes or lead to slower transit times, impacting rates.
  12. Currency Fluctuations: The charter market often operates in major currencies like the US dollar. Fluctuations in currency exchange rates can affect the perceived costs and revenues for companies operating in different currencies.
  13. Regulations and Compliance: Stricter environmental regulations, safety standards, or other maritime rules can increase the operational costs of vessels, influencing freight rates.
  14. Ship Availability: Maintenance schedules, dry docking, and repair times can reduce the number of ships available in the market at any given time.
  15. Brokerage and Commission: The role of brokers and the commissions they command can also have an effect on the final rate.
  1. Insurance Costs: The costs of insuring vessels can fluctuate based on perceived risks, global incidents, and other factors. An increase in insurance premiums can push operators to increase freight rates to cover their expenses.
  2. Technological Innovations: The adoption of new technologies, such as fuel-efficient engines or digital navigation tools, can alter operational costs. Vessels with advanced technology may command different rates compared to older models.
  3. Crew Costs: Salaries, training, and other expenses related to the crew can vary based on nationality, expertise, and global economic conditions. Rising crew costs might contribute to an increase in freight rates.
  4. Contractual Conditions: The specifics of a charter party agreement, such as laytime terms, demurrage rates, or off-hire clauses, can influence the overall rate.
  5. Market Speculation: Future expectations about the market can influence current rates. If shipowners anticipate a rise in demand or foresee potential disruptions, they might adjust their rates accordingly.
  6. Substitute Transport: The availability and pricing of alternative transport methods, such as rail or road, can influence decisions to charter ships. If alternative transport becomes more competitive, it could pressure maritime freight rates to adjust.
  7. Infrastructure: The quality of port infrastructure, availability of cargo handling facilities, and efficiency of hinterland connections can all influence the desirability of certain routes and, by extension, the freight rates.
  8. Political Stability: The political environment of key transit or destination countries can influence freight rates. Ports in politically unstable regions might be seen as riskier, potentially commanding higher rates or, conversely, deterring business.
  9. Shipowner’s Financial Health: If a shipowner is experiencing financial strain, they might be willing to accept lower rates just to ensure cash flow. Conversely, financially strong owners can hold out for more favorable rates.
  10. Industry Consolidation: Mergers, acquisitions, and alliances in the shipping industry can affect the balance of power and influence rates. Fewer, larger players can have more leverage in setting rates.
  11. Environmental and Social Concerns: The growing emphasis on sustainability and corporate responsibility can influence operational decisions and rate structures, especially if eco-friendly practices or certifications can command premium rates.
  12. Trade Agreements and Tariffs: New trade agreements or the imposition of tariffs and duties can reshape global trade patterns, influencing the demand for maritime transport on specific routes.

The freight rate in a voyage charter market is a product of a complex interplay of numerous factors, ranging from immediate operational concerns to broader geopolitical and economic trends. Stakeholders in this market need a deep understanding of these elements to navigate effectively and make profitable decisions.

Understanding the dynamics of these factors and how they interplay is essential for stakeholders in the voyage charter market to make informed decisions and negotiate effectively.

In the realm of voyage charter commerce, the tariffs are swayed by the specific cargo. The charterer is obliged to ensure the delivery of the stipulated volume and nature of goods, in addition to attending to port levies, canal passage expenses, and specifying the territories for both initial delivery and eventual return.

Generally, a voluminous cargo garners a diminished rate per tonne compared to its smaller counterpart. Journeys through affluent ports or those necessitating canal passages invariably fetch loftier rates compared to those embarking upon modestly priced ports devoid of canal intersections.

Expeditions commencing from a precinct encompassing ports frequently used for cargo discharge, or concluding at ports typically designated for cargo loading, tend to be proffered at more economical rates. This is primarily because such voyages augment vessel utilization by mitigating the unladen segment (or ballast leg) inherent in the computation of the returning charter to a loading enclave.


How are Charter Parties negotiated?

Charter parties, the contracts for the hire or use of a ship (or a part of it), are crucial in the shipping industry. These contracts outline the terms and conditions agreed upon by the shipowner and the charterer. The process of negotiating charter parties can be complex and typically involves the following steps:

  1. Initiation:
    • The process usually starts when a charterer has goods to transport and contacts a shipbroker or when a shipowner’s vessel is available for hire.
    • A charterer may approach several shipbrokers to find the best deal.
  2. Offer and Counteroffer:
    • The charterer or their broker sends a “fixture note” or an “offer” detailing their requirements and terms, such as type and quantity of cargo, loading and discharging ports, laytime, freight rates, and other particulars.
    • The shipowner or their representative reviews the offer and either accepts it, rejects it, or makes a counteroffer with revised terms.
  3. Negotiation:
    • Both parties discuss various terms of the charter party, from freight rates to delivery dates and laytime. These negotiations can be straightforward or may require several rounds of discussions, depending on the complexity of the terms and the market conditions.
    • Brokers usually play a vital role in this process, helping both sides understand market trends, conditions, and ensuring that the terms are fair and reasonable.
  4. Main Terms Agreement:
    • Once the main terms (like freight rate, loading/discharging ports, laycan) are agreed upon, the parties will move on to negotiate the detailed clauses. This can involve using standard form charter parties (like GENCON, BALTIME, NYPE) as a basis and then amending them to fit the specific deal.
  5. Finalization and Signature:
    • Once both parties have reached an agreement on all the terms, the final charter party document is drafted.
    • Both the shipowner and the charterer review the final document for accuracy and completeness.
    • After any necessary revisions, both parties sign the charter party, making it a legally binding agreement.
  6. Post-Fixture Operations:
    • With the charter party signed, the shipowner prepares the vessel for the voyage, and the charterer readies the cargo.
    • As the voyage proceeds, any deviations from the charter party’s terms (like demurrage claims due to delays) will be noted and settled either amicably or, if necessary, through arbitration or legal means.
  7. Documentation:
    • Proper documentation is crucial throughout the process. This includes not only the charter party itself but also other related documents like bills of lading, letters of indemnity, notices of readiness, and so forth.

To ensure successful negotiation, both parties should have a clear understanding of their needs and the prevailing market conditions. It’s also beneficial for them to be represented by experienced brokers or lawyers familiar with maritime law and the intricacies of charter party agreements.


Charter agreements are often brokered using diverse methodologies. Instead of merely “Fixtures” or “Fixture Recapitulations” (RECAP), these can be articulated as “articulated arrangements” or “comprehensive summaries”. Renowned charter agreements, alongside bespoke manuscript agreements, serve as bases. Conventionally, such agreements are mediated through an intricate global nexus of shipbrokers. Yet, principal parties might opt out of brokerage intervention, allowing proprietors and lessees to negotiate directly.

In the inception, proprietors and lessees may proffer “preliminary overtures”—non-committal expressions denoting an owner’s potential acceptance criteria or a charterer’s potential payment offering. Negotiations generally commence through electronic correspondence or telephonic conversations. In due course, either the vessel or its cargo may be presented as “unequivocal”. In essence, articulated arrangements materialize upon affirmation of such an unequivocal proposition.

While no two unequivocal propositions mirror each other, it’s universally acknowledged that such a proposal encompasses the cardinal or quintessential terms of the charter agreement. Based on the charter’s nature—time-bound or voyage-centric—the unequivocal proposition commonly enumerates: the involved entities, the vessel’s designation, the stipulated hire or tariff, the charter’s tenure, prospective cargo, the laycan, locales for delivery and reacquisition, or the embarkation or disembarkation ports, ship specifications, alongside other pivotal stipulations that parties consider cardinal. These paramount terms are often dictated by the charter’s essence, the services rendered, and the cargo in question.

Customarily, both parties might concur that the impending charter agreement draws from a standardized charter template. These templates, habitually, are the brainchildren of esteemed maritime entities like BIMCO or ASBA. A few exemplars encompass the NORGRAIN voyage charter, the NYPE time charter, the BP3 Time charter, the Baltime charter, and the Asbatankvoy, to name a few.

Both parties might mutually decide that the charter template originates from a previously ratified charter, either amongst themselves or with other entities. For instance, the master charter in a consecutive charter series might serve as a precedent, with the intent being calibrated modifications to the prior contract, reflecting novel dates, remunerations, and cargo specifics.

Within the realms of typical charter negotiations, the cornerstone remains a charter template, serving as a scaffold for deliberating principal terms. Under this negotiation modality, parties seldom indulge in the exchange of exhaustive draft contracts. Instead, they primarily communicate their acceptance or refusal of terms in the template through electronic mails or other modes. Here, proprietors and lessees finalize cardinal terms via an articulated arrangement, with ancillary terms detailed either in the template or settled post hoc, perhaps the subsequent day post the acceptance of the unequivocal proposal.

Upon the culmination of the articulated arrangement and the resolution of any prevailing stipulations or conditions, it’s customary for a comprehensive summary to be drafted. This document, in essence, enshrines the mutual understanding, epitomizing the Contract. Typically, such summaries commence with declarations akin to “charterers joyfully declare the resolution of all subjects, confirming our unblemished agreement with the subsequent specifics…” or synonymous expressions. At this juncture, the vessel stands committed, sealing a legally binding charter agreement.

Periodically, a formalized charter—enriched with supplementary clauses—is crafted and disseminated. Alternatively, charters could be brokered via alternative avenues, such as through the exchange of bespoke charter agreements, especially for long-duration charters involving specialized vessels.


What is “Fixture Recapitulations” (RECAP) in Ship Chartering?

In the context of ship chartering, “Fixture Recapitulations” (often shortened to “RECAP”) refers to the summarized agreement between the shipowner and the charterer regarding the chartering of a vessel. When a ship is chartered, there are numerous terms, conditions, and details that both parties must agree upon. Once an agreement has been reached, it’s common practice to send a RECAP of the key points of the agreement to all parties involved.

Here’s a breakdown of what a typical RECAP might include:

  1. Vessel Details: Name of the vessel, deadweight, draft, age, flag, and other relevant specifications.
  2. Charterer: The party hiring the vessel.
  3. Owner: The party who owns the vessel.
  4. Cargo: Details about the type, quantity, and any special requirements for the cargo that will be carried.
  5. Laycan: This refers to the laydays (the period during which the charterer can make the ship available for loading) and the cancelling date (the last date by which the ship should have started its charter service).
  6. Loading/Discharging Ports: Details of where the cargo will be loaded and where it will be discharged.
  7. Rate: The agreed freight rate, which might be quoted per ton, per day, or in other units, depending on the nature of the charter (e.g., voyage charter, time charter).
  8. Demurrage/Despatch: The rate at which penalties are paid for delays beyond the agreed laytime (demurrage) or incentives for operations completed within a time shorter than the laytime (despatch).
  9. Commission: Any broker’s commission or other relevant fees.
  10. Special Clauses: Any additional agreements or clauses that might be specific to that particular charter, such as requirements for special equipment, insurance terms, or other considerations.
  11. Bunker Details: Specifications about the ship’s fuel, such as type, price, and any clauses related to bunkers.
  12. Duration: For time charters, the duration or period for which the ship is chartered might be included.

Once the RECAP is sent and confirmed by all parties, the formal charter party agreement, which is a more detailed and legal document, can be drawn up based on the terms in the RECAP. This ensures that there is clear communication between all involved parties and helps prevent misunderstandings.


Fixture Recapitulation (RECAP) in Ship Chartering

Engaging in negotiations demands meticulous precision and thoroughness. It is imperative that a comprehensive consensus on all facets and intricacies be established between the two main parties to bring forth a legally binding agreement.

Traditionally, Shipbrokers have maintained a chronological log of negotiations in what is termed a “day book”, serving not only as a reference to the settled stances and unresolved concerns but also as a protective measure against disputes, shielding both their and their principal’s interests. Nevertheless, with the evolution of contemporary office practices, there’s a shift towards digital mediums. Emails, instant messages, and similar modes of communication now act as modern-day analogues to the traditional day book. It is of utmost importance that such exchanges are documented and preserved for an appropriate duration, ideally until the Charterparty concludes and all affairs reach closure.

Upon arriving at a consensus, a comprehensive summary, or Fixture Recapitulation (RECAP), should be disseminated amongst all involved entities, capturing the essence of the final accord. Any oral dialogues beyond the ambit of chartering discussions, especially when a broker is executing tasks such as relaying commands to vessels, ought to be subsequently affirmed in written form to the directing firm.

When a Shipbroker, endowed with the authority to endorse a Charterparty on behalf of their principal, commits to the act, it’s crucial to acknowledge the origin of such empowerment—be it via phone, fax, or email—prefacing it with (the principal’s name) followed by “As Agents Only”. Adhering to this convention ensures that the broker remains insulated from personal accountability for contract execution. Nonetheless, should the principal’s identity remain undisclosed, even the appendage of “As Agents Only” wouldn’t exempt the Shipbroker from any contractual responsibilities.


What is Clean Fixture Recap in Ship Chartering?

Clean Recap (Clean Fixture Recapitulation) indicates that you have a valid contract. Typically you will also find “final recap” meaning all terms are agreed.

  1. Fixture: In shipping and chartering, a “fixture” refers to the conclusion of a charter agreement or contract between the shipowner and the charterer. Once the terms are agreed upon and both parties commit, the ship is said to be “fixed.”
  2. Recap: Short for “recapitulation,” a recap in the chartering context refers to a summary of the main terms and conditions of the charter party agreement. After negotiations, when the charterer and owner agree on terms, a recap is typically sent by brokers to both parties outlining the terms, conditions, and any other pertinent details.
  3. Clean: This could imply that the “recap” provided is free from any ambiguities, modifications, or outstanding issues. It’s a finalized, clear, and concise summary of the terms both parties have agreed upon.

“Clean Fixture Recap” in ship chartering refer to a clear and concise summary of the main terms and conditions of a finalized charter agreement.


When does Charter Party truly materialize?

Within the bounds of English jurisprudence, an agreement is deemed established when there is unambiguous consensus on all pivotal stipulations, barring any prior mutual agreements to the contrary. A specific format is not mandated. Thus, it is frequently encountered that parties contest the juncture of a definitive accord. To delineate this juncture, one must critically interpret the preceding dialogues that heralded the purported contract. For example, if the mutual intention mandates that there exists no binding contract until the parties endorse a charterparty, such intention ought to be lucidly articulated in their epistolary exchanges. Hence, preserving meticulous records of prior transactional exchanges, encompassing memos of meetings and telephonic discussions, becomes paramount.

Equally vital is possessing an astute understanding of the legal ramifications and the appropriate usage of terms like “subject to contract”, “subject to survey (consent or approval)”, and “subject to details”, all of which contribute to the determination of the existence of an irrevocable agreement.”


Charter Party Vs RECAP

In the shipping industry, terms like “Charter Party” and “RECAP” are frequently used to refer to various aspects of ship chartering agreements. Here’s an explanation:

  1. Charter Party (C/P):
    • Definition: A Charter Party is a legal contract between the shipowner and the charterer, specifying the terms and conditions for the rental of a vessel or a specific space on the vessel.
    • Contents: The agreement typically includes details about the cargo, the route, the rate of hire or freight, laytime, demurrage, dispatch, port of loading and discharging, and other terms and conditions pertinent to the voyage.
    • Types:
      • Time Charter: Here, the vessel is hired for a specific period. The owner provides the crew and bears all operational costs, while the charterer pays for fuel and port charges.
      • Voyage Charter: The vessel is hired for a specific voyage between the designated port of loading and port of discharging. The shipowner pays for all operational expenses.
      • Bareboat (or Demise) Charter: The charterer takes over the vessel, providing their crew and bearing all operational costs. It’s almost like a lease.
    • Purpose: The Charter Party serves as the primary contract governing the relationship, rights, and responsibilities of the shipowner and the charterer.
  2. RECAP (Recapitulation):
    • Definition: A RECAP is a brief summary or synopsis of the main points of a charter party agreement. It’s essentially a condensed form of the Charter Party.
    • Contents: The RECAP captures the essential terms and conditions of the agreement, such as the name of the vessel, load and discharge ports, rate of freight, demurrage rate, laytime, etc.
    • Usage: After negotiations between the shipowner’s and charterer’s brokers, once both parties agree upon the main terms, they will issue a RECAP to summarize the agreement before the formal charter party document is drawn up and signed. It’s a snapshot of the key terms that both parties have agreed upon.
    • Purpose: The RECAP allows both parties to quickly review and confirm the agreed terms. It’s a tool for clarity and ensures that there are no misunderstandings when the formal Charter Party is being drafted.

While the Charter Party is a detailed formal contract between the shipowner and charterer, the RECAP is a summarized version highlighting the essential terms agreed upon during negotiations. Both documents play crucial roles in the ship chartering process.


RECAP Legally Binding like Charter Party

A RECAP (Recapitulation) is a summarized version of the main terms and conditions that the parties (usually a Shipowner and a Charterer) have agreed upon during their negotiations. While the RECAP captures the essence of the agreement and is a reflection of the intent of both parties, its legal binding nature depends on the language used and the context in which it’s created.

  1. Legally Binding?
    • Generally, for a document to be legally binding, it needs to fulfill certain elements of a contract, such as offer, acceptance, consideration, and the intent of both parties to enter into a legal relationship.
    • If the RECAP is explicitly framed as a binding agreement and both parties have shown clear intent to be bound by its terms (for example, through signatures or other forms of acknowledgment), it could potentially be deemed legally binding.
    • However, if the RECAP is presented merely as a summary or preliminary document awaiting the formalization of a Charter Party, without clear intent from both parties to treat it as binding, then it might not be enforceable as a formal contract.
  2. Charter Party vs. RECAP:
    • A Charter Party is a detailed formal contract that is explicitly intended to be legally binding. Once signed by both parties, there’s a clear expectation that all terms and conditions will be adhered to.
    • RECAP, on the other hand, is a tool used primarily for clarity and quick reference. Its enforceability hinges on how it’s presented and whether the parties intended for it to be binding.
  3. Best Practice:
    • To avoid confusion or disputes, it’s essential to clarify the intent and status of a RECAP in the negotiation process. If both parties (Shipowners and Charterers) want the RECAP to serve as a binding agreement (even if temporary before a detailed Charter Party is executed), they should explicitly state this and possibly include signatures or other forms of acknowledgment.
    • Otherwise, to maintain clarity, parties should specify that the RECAP is non-binding and is subject to the execution of a formal Charter Party.

In conclusion, while a Charter Party is typically a legally binding document, the legal status of a RECAP depends on the intent of the parties and how the RECAP is framed. Always consult with legal counsel when drafting or entering into any form of agreement to ensure that the document’s intent and implications are fully understood.



Importance of Signing Charter Party

The signing of a Charter Party is a crucial step in the realm of maritime business, particularly in the process of chartering ships. The Charter Party is a binding legal agreement between the shipowner and the charterer, outlining the terms and conditions under which a vessel is chartered. Here’s why it’s important:

  1. Defines Rights and Obligations: The Charter Party clearly stipulates the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of both the shipowner and the charterer. It ensures that both parties understand and are aligned with their respective roles.
  2. Risk Allocation: This document details who bears the risks at various stages of the voyage. For example, it outlines who is responsible for the vessel, cargo, crew, and any damages that might occur, thereby mitigating disputes down the road.
  3. Financial Clarity: The Charter Party provides clarity regarding the financial arrangements, including freight rates, demurrage, laytime calculations, and other payments. This prevents financial misunderstandings and disputes.
  4. Operational Specifications: The agreement spells out specific operational aspects, such as the type and quantity of cargo, loading and discharging ports, and deadlines for voyage completion.
  5. Dispute Resolution: In case disagreements arise, the Charter Party often specifies the method and venue for dispute resolution. This can be through litigation, arbitration, or any other agreed-upon mode.
  6. Legal Protection: Having a written and signed agreement ensures that both parties have legal recourse in the event of non-compliance or breach. The Charter Party is enforceable by law and serves as a basis for any legal action.
  7. Transparency: A signed Charter Party provides transparency to all involved stakeholders, ensuring that there are no hidden terms or unclear clauses. This promotes trust and smooth collaboration between the parties.
  8. Standardization and Customization: While many Charter Parties are based on standard forms provided by organizations such as BIMCO, they can be tailored to suit specific needs and requirements of the parties involved, ensuring a flexible yet standardized approach.
  9. Provision for Sub-chartering: The Charter Party might also include clauses that address sub-chartering, where the charterer can charter the vessel to a third party. This is crucial for clarity and to avoid complications in operational and financial dealings.
  10. Force Majeure and Other Clauses: The Charter Party will often include provisions for unforeseen events or force majeure situations, providing guidance on how various unpredictable events, like natural disasters or political unrest, should be handled.

In essence, the signing of a Charter Party is analogous to entering into any other major contract, offering protection and clarity to both parties involved. Given the vast sums of money and valuable assets (like the vessel and its cargo) at stake in maritime operations, the Charter Party’s importance cannot be overstated. It serves as the foundation upon which a successful and conflict-free chartering relationship is built.